0 The best alternative: Oxado vs. Adsense

Surely you tried to earn some extra money by connecting to the Internet.Chances are that you seek some form of pay per click, paid to read emails or payment for subscribing somewhere on that perhaps you have not the slightest interest.
It may be that at some point in history these systems hold what we need ... in fact, always pay something, since they pay for doing work. But we have been thinking:
... And what if I get paid to me by other people do clicks on ads?
Ummm! This would win without doing almost anything almost, I say almost nothing because the only thing you need is a website or a blog and an account with a payment processing system as Moneybookers , for example.
Make a blog, as you are reading this, it is relatively easy and if you have a hobby or a hobby can quietly write every day about the topic that you would like ... and start earning money when other people, reading what you have written, you see advertising on your blog or website and make clicks on it.
In another post describing how to open an account at Moneybookers as it is (as many say) the best alternative to Paypal.
Here I will discuss only the advantages of Oxado on as system to insert Adsense ads on your website ... and win it.
Adsense is the advertising system developed by Google and is the best pay per click as understood in the Net. This system has a number of advantages over many others, but this is not about what I will discuss in this post. though Adsense has become the most popular of these systems still exist today defects and disadvantages.
Being so familiar and pay a bit more than any of these systems the "Clickmania" on Adsense has become sticky. There are even people who have their own mailing lists where updated daily websites subscribers to these lists, including himself, to become clicks between them and other sites and make more money. This is already well known by people or companies that publish ads through Adsense and really have realized that they are paying advertising rates and practically get nothing because people on these lists just above clickean advertising, expect you load the page and then close it without more ado as not interested in the content that is in them. Of these form:
Google wins, the winning list subscribers and companies that publish ... NO GAIN!
This is why many companies have migrated to other advertising systems payments that are less known than Adsense, but give them a little more security.
Google Adsense also has the disadvantage of not paying enough for their search program, similar systems pay higher rates.
Another disadvantage is that Adsense payments made ​​by check (only) and this is fatal, because it can happen something like this ... it appears that the company has had legal problems with the government of Brazil and this has blocked sending checks by this entity.
Oops! Some problems with Google Adsense, no? But do not worry ... we still have no choice but to make money with our website or blog: Oxado .
Oxado is a system similar to Google Adsense, but with some advantages this feasible.
The registration process is simple, easy and free. It also has a Spanish interface with possibility of changing to another 4 languages.
Your advertising is specific as you choose: just after enrolling add a website to the list of its websites Oxado and publish a banner ad, you want to choose which advertisements to display on your site and you are! ... . Oxado does the rest for you!
According to statistics of your website "shows Oxado Notices 571 million per month in 43 269 Web Sites" this means that approximately Oxado could publish on its website 13 200 ads per month ... If your site has a large number of visitors, does not believe you that someone might be interested in some of these ads???
No need to have a minimum number of visits per month to its web Oxado approve and begin generating publicity, but it is imperative that your website is not in the design process and should have at least a fair amount of content incites not click on the ad. They check their web previously for compliance with these requirements: if so, immediately approve your site and you start earning money by advertising aparce, you indicate otherwise, via email, the reasons why your site was not accepted.
Now you might ask:
If my site was not accepted ... then I have lost everything???
No! You still can, as often as desired, submit your site to the judgment of Oxado. Just correct the problems that were mentioned and that's it ... there have their income generating website.
And I want to make an aside here: Oxado no ads on websites that incite pay per click (PTC), Paid to read emails (ptr) or enroll in payment websites (pts) and that is why, for example, I can not put advertising on this blog ... Oxado with Oxado this makes it clear to companies and people in general that your ads, unlike Adsense, only appear on websites where people who are interested in visiting these truth content and advertising step: it is more likely that a group of "clickeadores" decided to make a small network of blogs or websites that devote 30% of their space to useful and the remaining 70% to advertising step and encourage the visitor to click on it to build a website where, for example, or payments offered free tutorials, utilities or other advertising resources and put as secondary. This is why many companies and individuals decide to hire Oxado to manage your Internet advertising. It may sound silly to those of us dedicated to make clicks (stating that this work is not critical, I do, but not in the manner previously indicated, just say it comes to protecting Oxado Adsense but who are hired to post their ads). Logically, companies find it more profitable to hire the Adsense Oxado since, perhaps less popular Oxado Adsense, but at least keep your advertising on sites maybe they report something to your business.
And you will say, but if I put ads on my website then clickeen people want more and more about it, so I can make more money .... and they are right.But beware, if you do the overnight begins to generate significant revenue from matter of clicks made on the ads on your site may be that companies like Oxado, Adsense, AdBrite and others investigate the case and discover a clickeadores group behind it .... Well ..... perhaps imagine the scene ....
Well, after this explanation .... continue ....
Another advantage that has Oxado about Adsense is that, although it can vary, it is reported and known in advance rates on pay per click advertising (Adsense not informed about this, just know that sometimes it pays better).Oxado defines these prices by country and region: for example in the case of the clicks that come from somewhere in Germany the maximum price per click is 0.10 €, from Australia, to a maximum of € 0.13 and so on.
Also offers the possibility Oxado formatting the banner or ad you want to put on your website so that it integrates easily with your site: background color, text, size ... well, you can tailor the advertising format as you like for this not break with the design standards set by you for your website.
It also has, like many other of these systems, an affiliate program and referrals.
But most important is now: Oxado pay by check (France), by bank transfer (EU countries) and also by Moneybookers and Paypal for the rest of the world and this is the most interesting. Because of this, many people consider it a serious competitor to Adsense as this system, as we have seen, only pay by check with the consequences that this may entail.
In short, many people feel that Adsense is superior in many respects to Oxado but beware! ... Do not rush to conclusions. Oxado is only one alternative to Adsense and grows every day more and more. Only the ownership payment method other than Adsense and being able to know in advance the price of pay per click and make a terrible adversary Oxado Adsense and for us the best of all alternatives.
Now, after reading all this here, and have drawn their own conclusions, I ask:
... Why not give around Oxado and see the advantages it provides for yourself?. Who knows, and you may be the next blogger to write a post about Oxado giving the rest of the blogosphere the experiences you have had with, ultimately, the best alternative to Adsense.  


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